The Classroom Practices Measures

Developed for the purpose of studying the RC approach in the context of a randomized controlled trial, the CPOM, CPTS, and CPFS items and protocol are written without the use of RC terminology so that the assessment can be administered in classrooms regardless of teachers’ RC training history, and by observers regardless of their RC training history.


Classroom Practices Frequency Scale

The CPFS is a survey of the frequency of teachers’ use of classroom practices consistent with the Responsive Classroom® (RC) approach. This measure packages nicely with the CPOM and CPTS measures described above. Developed for the purpose of studying the RC approach in the context of a randomized controlled trial, the CPFS items are written without the use of RC terminology so that the survey can be administered to teachers regardless of their RC training history.

The Classroom Practices Frequency Scale (CPFS) is an 11-item measure assessing teachers’ perceived frequency of use of RC practices over the course of the school year. CPFS items are rated on an eight-point scale ranging from 1 (Almost never used the practice) to 8 (Used the practice more than once a day). Responsive Classroom® approach terminology was avoided when writing the items to minimize bias of teachers’ responses (e.g., “When a rule or procedure is introduced, I asked students to model what following the rule or procedure looks like”, “I provide opportunities for students to choose how to do work, what kind of work to do, or both.”) The mean for the 11 items was computed as measure of dosage.

Use Measure

Nathanson, L., Sawyer, B., & Rimm‐Kaufman, S.E. (2007). Classroom Practices Frequency Scale. Unpublished instrument. University of Virginia.

Classroom Practices Observation Measure

The CPOM comprises 16 items to be administered during morning instruction in Kindergarten through sixth grade classrooms. Alternatively, an abbreviated 10‐item version can be administered during any other structured classroom instructional period. Observations typically last 60 minutes and can be scored live in the classroom or using videos of classroom instruction. Coding materials consist of the coding protocol and a two‐page scoring sheet.

Use Measure

Coding Sheet

Abry, T., Brewer, A. J., Nathanson, L., Sawyer, B., Rimm‐Kaufman, S.E. (2010). Classroom Practices Observation Measure. University of Virginia, Unpublished measure.

Classroom Practices Teacher Survey

The CPTS measure comprises a 46-item, teacher report measure. CPTS items do not contain any Responsive Classroom® approach terminology and are rated on a five-point Likert scale ranging from one (not at all characteristic) to five (extremely characteristic). Some examples include “In the morning we have a class meeting where we sit in a circle facing one another,” and “When introducing new materials, I ask students to demonstrate ideas for how to use and care for the materials”. CPTS composite scores, computed by averaging across 46 items, served as an indicator of adherence to RC practices.

Use Measure

Nathanson, L., Sawyer, B., & Rimm‐Kaufman, S.E. (2007). Classroom Practices Teacher Survey. Unpublished instrument. University of Virginia.
